Lets Elect A Democrat Next Year
By Mr Pickles

Jerry Garcia Is Dead
By Fat Midget

Patriotic. Yeah Right.
By Fat Midget

Sucked In 2002 By CrazyAss13

Apparently, Im a Homo By Fagatron

Conversations With a Midget
By Fagatron

You Voted, Didn't You? By Mr Pickles

Art Vs. Marketing
By Fagatron

Christians Are Stupid By Fat Midget

Nerds Gone Wild!
By Fagatron

Dr. Snack Trial Mix Review
By Fagatron

Terry Richardson Gallery

New York's Finest Baby Killer
By Fagatron

Five Movie Reviews
By CrazyAss13

Brad In Bolder By Mr Pickles


What Happened To Christina Aquilera!?!?

Cunt Trumps | Welcome To The WORLD OF URKEL

Look...Boobs! | Vertigo Than And Now


The Gashlycrumb Tinies | ABC's

The Real Slim Shaddy?

"So the Dixie Chicks are against the war? I suppose next, they'll be speaking out against the General Lee jumping over a crick."

Courtney Cox's Asshole | Peep Show Stories

Sandals & Socks | Battle Royale Cosplay

I had two captions for this one. I'm about 99.9% sure this girl is an alien or bitch fix your face.

Bible Sex Stories | Bush VS Bush (need Real Player)

Sexx or Something Else | Pr0n Star Trading Cards

CUNT | Gig Posters | raymitheminx

Boy 'Pregnant' With Twin Brother

Check out my buddie Freye Brayne's site.

NeOnbubble | Orsm | Web-Shite | Drunk And Disorderly


300 Reasons Why We Love The Simpsons

Sketchbook | Cat Jump | How-To-Bow


Sarah Kozer from Joe Millionaire Playboy Pictures

55 Most Wanted | 55 Most Wanted

Drewskillz | Eboogyman | FunkyShit


I'm Embarrassed The Dixie Chicks Are Still "News"

I wasn't going to comment on this but it's really starting to piss me off. Who gives a shit what the Dixie Chicks said about president Bush? It pisses me off that so many people focused on this instead of the troops fighting in Iraq and if you thought you were supporting the troops by getting the Dixie Chicks banned on the local radio station you're stupid because our troops didn't shed any tears over what the fat little Dixie Chick said about President Bush. These people are on the same level as the peace protesters that found it necessary to disrupt traffic and fuck shit up that had nothing to do with protesting this war. Don't get me wrong if you want to go out and protest the Dixie Chicks that's your right and I support that right, but really, with all the shit that's going on right now do the Dixie Chicks really merit this much attention?

Another thing that is pissing me off is the whole "We don't want to hear celebrities opinions on war.", because it's a bullshit argument that people use when it's convenient. Charlie Daniels, Clint Black, Merle Haggard, Barbara Mandrell, Loretta Lynn, Ricky Skaggs, Travis Tritt, Hank Williams Jr, Amy Grant, Larry Gatlin, Crystal Gayle, Reba McEntire, Lee Greenwood, Lorrie Morgan, Anita Bryant, Mike Oldfield, Ted Nugent, Wayne Newton, Dick Clark, Jay Leno, Drew Carey, Dixie Carter, Victoria Jackson, Charleton Heston, Fred Thompson, Ben Stein, Bruce Willis, Kevin Costner, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Bo Derek, Rick Schroeder, George Will, Pat Buchanan, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Rogan, Delta Burke, Robert Conrad and Jesse Ventura. All the celebrities above gave their opinion on the war yet no one is calling for their heads. No one is telling them to shut their mouths. Why? They were all pro war. What your really saying is "We don't want to hear celebrities opinions on war unless they agree with ours". That doesn't sound very patriotic or American to me.

Other Junk

Now that I got that off my chest lets get to the funny! The Fat Midget is back with Jerry Garcia Is Dead. Funny shit. All the fans of Mr Pickles need to stay tuned because he'll be back next week with a great post that proves not all the writers here at CA13 are "liberal pinkos".

I got to give a big thank you to ScreaminKing of Outbreed for helping me set up graymatter. He's a real wiz.

Mr. Bob Saget credit = Attu Sees All

Faggot Family | R Kelly Sex Tape | WAFart | retroCRUSH

Ten Ways You Can Support Our Troops

Controlling The Media Part Due


Louis Vitton SARS Mask

POST-IT'S Art | Weird Scenes From The Ordinary

Man Milk or Moo Milk

Some lame ass was trying to pass this piss poor photoshop as a real picture taken from the cockpit of the second plane that hit the twin towers. I swear if any of you mother faggots forward me this I'll cut you!

Bob Log III = Awesome! Boobs = Awesome! Bob Log III video with boobs in it = Double Awesome!! Thanks Fagatron.

"Reasons Not to Invade Iraq" by George Bush Sr

US plan to bomb North Korea

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

This is the blind link to Redbrains site / Christina Aquilera picture part of the update. I'm sure you know the drill by now.

I just wasted a good 20 minutes looking for a good Christina Aquilera joke and I couldn't find any. What the fuck! So I'm going to use an old Micheal Jackson joke. Why was Christina Aquilera (Michael Jackson) spotted at K-Mart? She (He) heard boys' pants were half-off !

Come On Be My Baby Tonight! That was TIGHT!

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots

Warmongers Outflanked by Syria

Howard Dean For America

Take A Quiz About The Bush Tax Plan

Retnuh | Dogbomb | Orsm | bOg


"pro-Government rallies are to be given the fullestcoverage&if anti-Government demonstrations are shown, it is desired to stress either a very small number of eccentrics or shots of social misfits; i.e., with beards, tattoos, physical deformities, etc. Pro-Government supporters should be seen as clean cut with as many well-groomed subjects as possible&.subjects should stress complete support for the Presidents programs and especially support for American military units en route to combat&also interviews with photogenic family members of participating GIs stressing loyalty and affection&American flags are always a good prop in the background&"

Britney | Britney | Fabio After Dark | Bona Constrictor

Queenpin Deluxe | Secret Police | Axe | Get Your War On

Masked Wrestler Wins Japan Assembly Seat!

Claims and counter claims made during the media war over Iraq.


This guy is way out there! Even the Washington Post opposes President Bush judicial nomination of Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit!

The Shy Girl's Guide to Becoming a Whore covers such topics as Meeting Him and Doing It.

"Isn't it funny that a large group of the proactive-war-mongering Republicans and their pundits can be marked by two common features: abjectly draft-dodging the Vietnam War, then when the coast was clear, slipping out of hiding, joining the Republican far-right and relentlessly shoving a newer generation into battle in order to test the theories they developed while in hiding during the 60s."

The Bush War Record | Chickenhawk Database

Military Career of our Commander in Chief

This made me scared! | PEACENIK!

You're being LIED to... | SISLEY SHOCK

Um, Hello? | Bush Family Values

Lameking | FunkyShit | Exploding Cigar | Em-Rocka


"The press coverage of the anti-war movement often shows a very limited, predictable, and stereotyped cross section of those involved."

SIGUR ROS new video is pretty amazing.

Anything with Robots = win.

I'm going to send in my "Dog Balls" button.

Check out this Iraq Poster Exhibit.

Cats in hats. Not cute.

John Allen. Professional jerk off.

Fluffy Tuffy. Play Time.

Protest records has some cool stencils and mp3s.

"Like millions of your fellow Americans, you enjoy ice cream but do NOT enjoy seeing your money funneled to wacko left-wing causes." Ha Ha Ha Ha! It's fucking Ice cream! They make it sound like the terrorists have won if you buy Ben & Jerry.

Ugly stickers.

Just the numbers.

Plug | Plug | Plug | Plug


What Do You Think Christina Aguilera Is Doing Right Now

Fagatron sent me what is probably the greatest song ever composed The band is Shat and the song is "What Do You Think Christina Aguilera Is Doing Right Now?". Check it out mother fagots.

In the year 2000, Christina Aguilara is rushed to the ER, and almost dies on the table when doctors relize that no ammount of scrubbing can get her clean.

On google this site is ranked #44 for the keyword "christina aguilera pictures". I so rule!

Thanks go out to Fat Mouse for creating this photoshop madness.

I've been saying it for years and this website proves it babies are stupid.

"Lesbian pop duo Tatu claim they have sex with each other three times a day." I think someones 15 minutes of fame is fading fast. I can't wait tell next week when Tatu will claim they are now having sex with each other FIVE times a day! I don't think you people get it! We are teenage lezbos that have sex with each other! Buy our cd!

Crazy Jap Computer Ads 1 | Crazy Jap Computer Ads 2

Peter Van Stralen amazing photos of the human body.

Carmen Electra trashy photos of the human body.

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Ajay / Nethitters
Attu Sees All
Big Dark Cloud
Drunk And Disorderly
Freye Brayne Art
Perfect Echo
Reverse Cowgirl