I must admit that fall is probably my favorite time of year. Football is on every weekend, the air is crisp, and I don't know about you, but I always get that old fashioned good feeling in my stomach as my tendencies turn towards dark beer.
Unfortunately, fall brings with it some of the most annoying moments in television history. Fall is usually the time when the networks break out their new shows for public viewing. For the first month or so, EVERY FUCKING SHOW is the "Best new comedy", or the "Best new rehash of E.R.". With few exceptions, sitcoms are absolute shit. Staged jokes, canned laughter, and stupid dialogue all add up to a half hour of wasted time. It's insulting to your intelligence. I'd feel more productive squatting down and taking a shit right in the middle of my own living room. I seriously cannot watch any of that shit. I can only wonder how long the networks are going to continue to polish these turds that they pass off as entertainment. Do yourself a favor and go outside and scratch your nuts in the wind.
But, despite how much I hate TV, it's not the worst part. The worst part has to be those crazy campaign commercials that I see for the few months leading up to a November election. All I gotta say is that negative campaign ads gotta stop now. I've had enough. "Congressman so-and-so wants to put cat shit in YOUR drinking water! What kind of man would put cat shit in YOUR drinking water? Call Congressman so-and-so and ask him what in the holy fuck he is thinking?(Paid for by idiots and assholes for cleaner water)" Seriously, the best one I heard all month was one where the one guy said that his opponent was "against the elderly" because he wanted to charge nursing home patients rent for the remainder of the given month that they died in, because "they failed to give proper notice to vacate". Honestly, who would vote for that shit? Maybe he did vote for some measure that resulted in that, but I seriously doubt that he has anything against the ederly. "Well, all they do is mumble and shit in their pants anyways. Might as well charge 'em as much rent as we can." But desite the fact that campaing commercials have gotten out of hand, the ironic thing is that there are people out there that actually believe all the shit they hear. How fucked up is that? I'm sure it's the same people that sit around watching all that quality tv. "Well shit, the in-studio audience is laughing, so it must be funny. Ha ha ha!". Yep, your right, it's hillarious. "Well shit, the commercial said that Senator Jones is an ass raper. Must be true. Yep, right again.