Patriotic. Yeah Right.

I consider myself pretty patriotic. Theres no place else I would rather live. I think thats good enough to prove your patriotism. But some people have gone a little overboard. Everything from stickers on car bumpers to flags flying from minivans. But Ill have to admit, some people need to pull their heads from their asses if they think what they are doing is patriotic. Heres a few examples:

1. Getting angry because people want to take under god out of the pledge of allegiance. For one, it never was in the pledge to begin with, and secondly our country was based on freedom of religion and separation of church and state. Jesus has NOTHING to do with patriotism. We need to concentrate more on inventing pretzels our president can swallow and less on how the pledge of allegiance should sound.

2. SUV drivers. I hate it when I drive past one of these morons with there bumper stickers on the back saying God bless America of course you never see a sticker that says Buy American on these trucks. They are usually talking on their Japanese made cellphone, wearing a Italian suit, sitting in a Italian leather seat, all the while driving a vehicle that uses middle eastern gasoline to power its gas guzzling engine, supplying the terrorists with money. Yeah, real patriotic. Morons.

3. Flags bought at Wally World. Crapmart is not American, in fact it is a disgrace to our country. They seem to think advertising to white trash single parents is a great thing, all the while employing them to work there for $7.50 an hour. Shitmart claims, they have no use for unions because they pay their employees well, bullshit! Boycott Assmart. Will it really hurt you to pay a $1 more for toilet paper?

4. All of you who actually believe in the president. Just because you voted for Bush, doesnt mean you have to defend him. I thought Clinton was a good president, I also thought he was an idiot to be fucking around on his old lady in the white house, and I said so. Just look at the facts. Bush never won the majority of the vote. He cant tell the difference between Osama Bin Laden and Jesse James. And like some bad episode of the Super Friends, he groups different countries in something he calls The Axis of Evil Do a VERY patriotic thing, and vote him out of office in 2004.

5. War. War is NOT patriotic. Killing our own soldiers and innocent women and children solves nothing and only creates more hate. Being diplomatic and solving problems with other nations peacefully is very patriotic, it shows as Americans we are intelligent enough to resolve problems with our minds instead of our might.

6. Non-Voters. If you dont vote, I dont want to hear one word out of your trap about how the country should be ran, or how you are patriotic or any of that other bullshit you like to spew. Thats the problem with our country right now. Nobody votes. Please do something patriotic, get off your couch, stop drooling in front of the computer and vote in your next election.

Patriotism has a lot of meanings, but remember, being an individual is the most Patriotic thing you can do. Express your views and express them loud and clear. Things like the USA Patriot Act only undermine our trust in government and can be used against us. Speak up for your rights thats patriotism!

Fat Midget