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Ten Celebrity Jailbirds. 4/12/02 CrazyAss13
Below are ten celebrities who went to jail. Why do you care? Because they're famous celebrities.
1. Chuck Berry
Mr. Rock and Roll Chuck Berry was sentenced to three years (served two) in jail for transporting an under-age Arizona girl across state lines for immoral purposes.
2. James Brown
Arrested for stealing clothes out of cars at 15, was sentenced to 8 years of which he served 3 years and a day. The Godfather wasn't done yet. On 9/88 Brown led police on a two-state car chase back and forth across the Georgia-South Carolina border in September 1988. When he was finally apprehended in Georgia , Brown was charged with Simple assault, carrying a pistol without a license, carrying a deadly weapon at a public gathering, two counts of assault with intent to kill, and seven misdemeanor charges. WOW! Additionally, the South Carolina police, who had blown out Browns two front tires during the chase, charged him with assaulting a police officer and several other traffic violations. Brown was sentenced to 6 years in prison, of which he served 2. You would think James would be tired after that but the next day, Brown was arrested again for allegedly driving while intoxicated and improper road movement. His 2 years in jail covered this infraction as well.
3. Billie Holiday
Legendary jazz singer was busted for prostitution when she was young. Later in life she became a heroin addict, she was sent to prison on narcotics charges in 1947. Upon her release, she performed at Carnage Hall. (How do you get to Carnage Hall? I healthy does of heroin and prostitution should do the trick.) In 1959 she died in Metropolitan Hospital, New York City, while under arrest for possession of illegal drugs.
4. Denny McLain
Denny was the last major-league pitcher to win 30 games in one season and I have doubts anyone is going to do it again in a day of 5 man rotations but I regress, lets talk about the bad stuff. McLain was sentenced in 1985 to 23 years in the can for racketeering, extortion, and snorting coke. He served 30 months.
5. Mae West
In 1927 West was convicted of producing an immoral play, the title of which was *gasp* "Sex." She was sentenced to 10 days in the can in NYC but got one day off for "good behavior", if you know what I mean. Nudge. Nudge. Wink. Wink.
6. Ozzy Osbourne
Everyones new favorite TV dad was busted in San Antonio in 1982, Ozzy was arrested for public intoxication and pissing on the Alamo grounds. The singer, whose wife attempted to help him stop drinking by taking his clothes so that he would be forced to wear hers, was found in a green evening gown and carrying a bottle of Courvoisier. Courvoisier what the fuck? I though rock stars drank Wild Turkey washed down with a little Jack Daniels. A decade later the city forgot about the Alamo incident and the order never to perform there again when Osbourne donated $10,000 to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. In a recent interview, Osbourne said in retrospect, "One of my greatest regrets is that I urinated on the Alamo." I though it would be recording that annoying "Mama I'm Coming Home" song.
Previous crimes perpetrated by Osbourne include burglary, for which he spent 2 months in the Winston Green Prison in England when he was 17, and spousal abuse, an infraction for which he was never prosecuted when his wife, Sharon, refused to testify against him.
7. Fatty Arbuckle
Fatty was one of the major stars of the silent screen when he was charged with the rape and resulting death of an obscure 25-year-old starlet named Virginia Rappe at a drunken party in 1921. The details were shocking, the rumors more so, that Arbuckle had torn Virginia's insides with his 266-pound weight, that his drunkenness had given him a limp noddle, whereupon he angrily violated the girl with a wine bottle, or a Coke bottle, or worst of all, with a jagged piece of ice. When all was said and done, however, Arbuckle was acquitted in his third trial. He was free, but his career was over, and he died in 1933 having never regained his former popularity.
8. Bob Denver
Gilligan was busted at his West Virginia home, for receiving marijuana in the mail. A lot of joke possibilities here, make up your own.
9. Fyodor Dostoevsky
In 1846 Dostoevsky joined a group of utopian socialists. He was arrested in 1849 during a reading of Vissarion Belinsky's radical letter "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends", and sentenced to death. Due to a last minute reprieve the sentence was transformed to four years hard labor in Siberia.
10. Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra didn't do any time, after all Sinatra is above the law, but in 1938 in Hackensack, New Jersey he was arrested for charges of seduction and adultery. Neither of the acts with which Sinatra was charged is against the law today, but his initial charge in 1938 stated that: "On the second and ninth days of November 1938 at the Borough of Lodi" and "under the promise of marriage" Sinatra "did then and there have sexual intercourse with the said complainant, who was then and there a single female of good repute." This, the charge stated, was "contrary and in violation of the revised statute of 1937." Sinatra was released on $1,500 bond and that the complaint was withdrawn when it was determined that the woman involved was married. A complaint of adultery was substituted, with Sinatra's bond being lowered to $500. That charge, too, was dismissed.
Well, that was fun. Now it's time for some random crazy stuff. We all know the Japanese have pretty crazy taste in TV, check this out! For you ear holes take a listen to this jazzy cover of the recent Kylie Minogue hit. Go to Boom Selection for more. For you eye holes Sisley photographer Terry Richardson had an exhibition entitled "Too Much: Fuck you Sisley", in which photos were shown from the Sisley shooting, judged "too risky" by the brand. Terry Richardson is an amazing photographer and he has really bad eyes so he just uses point and shoot cameras, that's great. I was going to plug some new music reviews Perfect Echo had on his site earlier this week, but I don't know what the hell is going on with his site right now. Cool. This crew is worth a nickel. Now do me a favor. If you like the rapping take a listen to Sage Francis. {S}purge has bunch of his albums in rotation and if you create an account ?(it's free and easy, and he won't send you a bunch of shit email or sell your address) you can request it and give it a free listen. Big Dark Cloud made T-shirts, they will make you look cool.
CrazyAss13 | | AIM |
Reaching for the Random. 4/10/02
Self statement has long been one of the defining characteristics of the true American citizen.? What really baffles me is these jackoffs I see on TV trying all these newfangled ways of creatively marketing themselves and their cause.? Rosie comes out of the closet, just in time for the release of her new book.? Alec Baldwin?is using?his celebrity to endorse the Democratic party, no matter who the nominee is.? Athletes are tattooing advertisements on their skin to promote companies they have obviously sold their souls to.? Famous people are always trying to use their celebrity to promote some social cause.? And while I don't have a problem with all of this, I must say that I am a fan of a much more conventional means of self statement.? Recently I moved to a large metropolitan area, and it is here that I have realized the vitality of the "car sticker".? I have long been a supporter and fan of this timeless craft.?? I have, at times, used?it as a means of communication mainly because it?is fairly safe.? It says:?"Hey, guy behind me, I'm a fan of _______", or "Hey, you in the minivan, here's what I think.", all from the comfort of your vehicle where any objectors aren't likely to be able to voice?their disagreement beyond the occasional middle finger.? The beauty of it all is that the cost of this type of exposure is very low.? Car stickers are generally pretty cheap.? And if you aren't?quite sure what you think, you can?always just?walk into any grocery store and put 3 quarters into a machine that will decide your opinion for you.? There's like 20 different stickers you can get, all of which have some dumb-fuck phrase on them.? I was hoping to get the one that said "Da Bomb", but instead I get one that says: "51% Angel, 49% Bitch!?Don't push it!"? I guess I can live with that.? And if your opinion changes, you can always break out the old razor blade and scrape that shit off.? Unless you?are like CrazyAss and put the sticker on your dashboard.? I remember when I first met him.? We were both hired to work at Best Buy for the morning stock crew.??Regardless of the fact that we had a lot in common, our friendship was more a product of the people around us being?idiots.? Our boss was a middle-aged doofus with a perm, and most of?our co-workers were meatheads who listened to?Limp Bizkit every morning to help bring them out of the hangover they got last night at a wild "par-tayyyy".? I actually used to go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet and take naps during my shift...I'm getting off track...one day Crazyass and I decide to go have lunch at a place several minutes drive from B.B.? We decide to take his car.? So I get in?after he cleans all of the trash out of the?passenger seat where it is obvious that no one has sat in some time, and there I see two things that have stayed with me all this time.? First, there is a mountain bike crammed into a backseat that is hardly?big enough for people to sit in.? I have no idea how the hell he got it in there, and I assume that the extraction of the bike may require the jaws of life, or a hacksaw.? Assuming the bike was worth more than the car, I think the jaws of life would be the preferred means of extraction, versus sawing the bike into small pieces.? However, the part that still bewilders me to this day was?right on the dashboard in front of me.? A huge "Luscious Jackson" sticker.? Now that is commitment.? "Forget the back window, I'm gonna put that shit right on my dashboard!"? It's that kind of behavior that earned him the much deserved CrazyAss moniker.? But, as I mentioned before, I have recently moved to a larger city where the brutal reality of vehicular self-statement has become so evident to me.? I've noticed that here the stickers are much bigger, and even more bold.? Now, everyone has seen those stickers?with Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) pissing on something.? Whether it be Osama Bin Laden, a particular brand of vehicle, or a rival sports team, I still think this sticker is a sorry misrepresentation of a finely written cartoon.? Still I must admit that the versatility of this sticker is quite impressive, since whatever is being pissed on is normally sold separately from the actual "Calvin pissing" portion of the sticker(which has inevitably led many?people to purchase only the Calvin portion and drive around with Calvin pissing on their back window.? Rock on brother.)? But the sticker that has held the most viewing pleasure for me is the giant Nike "swoosh" stickers that I have seen?all over?the city.? I still remember the first time I saw one:? I was on my daily commute to work when I saw this car up ahead of me nearly sideswipe another vehicle.? Noticing a huge sticker in the back of his window, I decided to move in for a closer look.? When I finally caught up with him, I realized that it wasn't a single sticker, but rather, three separate stickers.? I can deal with three stickers, but this particular combination made no sense whatsoever.? First, in the middle, was this huge sticker of the Virgin Mary.? Where the hell would you get a car sticker of Mary?? Well, I'm not sure. ?I've been to the Vatican, and I don't remember seeing them in the gift shop.? To make matters worse, the Holy Mother was flanked on either side, by...you guessed it...Nike swooshes.? I know the Catholic church has issues, but I don't think they are quite to the point of commissioning corporate sponsorship.? Plus,?these Nike swooshes had a decidedly "amateur" look about them, and I suspect they may have been home-made.? Who makes their own swooshes?? Fuck.? This occurrence was enough to convince me that the purchase of a digital camera was easily justifiable, even if only to document the random instances that make life interesting.? Naturally, the prospect of childbirth occurring in the very near future(so near, in fact, that my next post will likely center around this event)was reason enough for the purchase.??The?swoosh sticker has proven quite elusive on the days where I actually have the camera in my hands.? Much like the?mullet(which has been seriously overplayed recently), it seems that the swoosh is?a bit camera shy.? It's kind of like having that old condom in your wallet(you know who you are).? You never use it, even though it's been in there since high school.? Then the day comes when you throw it away, and soon thereafter you face the possibility of?getting laid.? I'm not sure why things work this way, but they do.? I did manage to capture one picture of a vehicle?sporting the swoosh, so those of you that think this is just some old wives tale can just fuck off.? It's the real deal.
Back to the swoosh stickers.? I guess I'm just not sure what to think.? I've mentioned this phenomena to several friends who reside elsewhere, and it seems to be strangely limited to this area.? Which got me thinking that every city must have their own little sticker clan that, in some way, reflects the general attitude of the city(much to the chagrin of the common citizens).
I don't have to like it, but I have come to terms with the swoosh and have decided that my only option is to try and ignore it.? Then, the other day, I'm driving down the road and I see this upside-down sticker on an?SUV that reads:? "If you can read this, flip me over".? I thought that was pretty clever until I spotted the giant swoosh on his side window.? Sure, I'd flip you over.? Right after I take a piss on your back window.
Mr Pickles
MrPickles | | AIM |
One Lucky 10th Grader 4/09/02 Fagatron2093
Imagine a place where there are no windows, the walls are all white, and all there is to look at is 200 other people staring at a computer. You cant listen to music and break times are closely monitored. All there is for you to do is read short answers from 10th graders regarding the similarities between a surfer and a farmer, the anatomy of a bird, and the trial two gorillas have gone through. You grade these answers a 0, a 1, or a 2, then read another, for 8 or more hours a day.
This is my job, but if you read my last post youd know that.
Having mastered training simply by virtue of realizing that you could do well by grading everything a 1, I have brought similar methods to the actual job. By doing this, I have received much praise amongst my pod mates (I forgot to mention that in addition to the dehumanizing Nazi-esque trials this temp job already has us going through, it felt that the best way to classify groups was by calling them pods. Fitting.) for doing so well, that I have brought our group well above the room average both in speed and in accuracy.
As reward for my fine work, I have been given a promotion. If, after two people have scored an answer, the scores are different, I lay the hammer down on what the final score should be. Does this new job come with an increase in pay? No, but I do get to work almost 8 hours of overtime every week. Wahoo!
Never have I known such depths of boredom. For example, just for a break in the routine, I drink as much water as possible, so Ill have to urinate a lot. Whizzing is awesome! I surely would have gone insane by now if it werent for the fact that Bad Tooth, my friend from training, got assigned to the same pod I did. At least I have someone to talk to during breaks.
We both promised one another that we wouldnt talk shop on breaks, since whats more dull than talking about the dullitude of a dull job? However, since I cant talk sports, and Bad Tooth cant talk comic books or Dungeons & Dragons, we have had to resort to speaking of our jobs when theres no one around to make fun of. And thats where we concocted our master plan.
Once every week, Bad Tooth and I give one lucky 10th grader a 2 when he deserves a 0. Doing this isnt as easy as it sounds, though. You see, I dont automatically get the papers from my pod that disagree. There are also five other people that do the same thing. And every time you get caught giving something a 2 that should have been a 0, a supervisor comes and talks to you. Do it too many times, and youre canned (Big fucking deal, right? Yeah, but we do want to at least get the paychecks for this project because who knows what horrors lurk in the next temp job).
Knowing theres really only a 1 in 6 chance of me getting a paper that Bad Tooth scores too high, weve collectively had to be very selective in what answers are deserving of this high honor. Whenever something worthy comes along, Bad Tooth will come over and act like hes asking my opinion on proper scoring technique when actually Im just seeing if I agree with him that its worth risking. What we look for is some kid that shows the potential to respond correctly to the question, but with an answer that displays an open disdain for this sort of standardized muck. In all, it took us four tries to get a winner.
Kid that wrote one gorilla learned to read, then taught all the other gorillas to read, so all libraries would be filled with gorillas sorry, your answer went to someone else.
Kid that wrote Bush is a fucking idiot for making us take these tests. We missed ya.
Kid that wrote about how ducks are cool and you know it because you had a duck four years ago that was super smart, but it was so smart that it learned to open the window and fly away better luck next time.
Our winner was a young man from Florida that, when asked how a surfer and a farmer in an article were similar answered (and this is a direct quote): When the farmers crops are done, he goes to the grain buyer and says Crops are done, bitch! When the surfers sees that there are good waves, she tells her boss, Surfs up, bitch! Both the surfer and the farmer think everyones a bitch.
Bravo! You, young man, will go far if Fagatron and Bad Tooth have anything to say about it.
Next week: The Russian Mafia Goes Too Far
Smokers Are Jokers! 4/04/02 CrazyAss13
I'm sleepy so your not getting to much of tonight, just some links and the usual junk. If your looking for some real content go check out Melanie Griffith's website. I'm sure that will keep you busy for hours on fucking end.
If you've never seen Yo La Tingo Sugarcube
video your missing out buddy! Go to fucking Rock School and check that shit out!
For all you Nirvana freaks I bring you the Nirvana bootleg of the week, although it's more like the Nirvana bootleg of the month because they don't update that shit that often.
The award-winning documentary film Dogtown And Z-Boys opens in US theaters on 26th April. This movie kicked ass at Sundance this year and I can't wait to see it. Also worth checking out is Z-Boys: The Legend of the Z-Boys by cult photographer Glen E Friedman and C.R. Stecyk III. By the way I have an autographed copy of Glen's "Fuck You Heroes" because I rule!
This is by far the worse anti-smoking campaign I've ever heard, Tobacco Is Wacko! This had to be created by Ned Flanders after they shoot down his Smokers Are Jokers campaign
Take a look at Patton Oswalt Talent Showcase, god damn is that's funny! Reviews by Doug Benson isn't half bad either.
You know Fagatron, Zefron, and myself went to New Orleans a few weeks ago. I never did get around to doing a post about that but our good buddy KK put together a nice illustrated photo of a fight we saw and captured on film on Boner (Bourban) street. Funny stuff. KK is also a big pervert and she sent me this photo.
CrazyAss13 | | AIM |
Crazy Non-Trads Never Stop 4/03/02 Fagatron2093
In my days as a temporary worker, Ive done some pretty horrific things. Ive had to spray paint cash register drawers without any kind of respiratory protection. Ive had to put anti-lock brake pistons in a drilling machine for 12 hours straight. Ive had to do filing. But of all these temp jobs of days gone by, I think Ive finally struck absolute rock fucking bottom. Currently, I grade the essay questions of 10th graders.
I should have known I was in for a hellish experience when the last thing the agency told me as they talked to me on the phone about the position was, This jobs a lot of fun. Still, I went in for the training sessions, and thats when I saw the unconditional evidence that I had arrived in the land of the damned they had free coffee and hard candy.
Nothing says, you are fucked for attending this event like free coffee and hard candy. Basically, theyre giving you all the caffeine and sugar they can, knowing youll need it to make it through the proceedings. And not only are they giving you chemicals to keep you going, theyre delivering it in the cheapest form possible. I liken it to being anally raped, but finding consolation in the fact that the person is at least using a condom.
Anyway, over the next three days of coffee and candy-filled training, we went over (and were tested on) how to correctly grade students answers to three questions. Luckily, its not too hard since the space provided for answers is no more than a few lines long, and you just have to decide to score these answers 0, 1, or 2. To make this job even easier, they told us on our first day that a score of 0 is like an F, a score of 2 is like an A, and everything else is a 1. Therefore, 70% of the scores you give out will be a 1.
We were also told that at the end of training we would have to take a test to qualify for the job. Guess what score you need to pass this test. Thats right: 70%. After hearing all this within the first hour of training, it was obvious to me that if I answered all the questions with a 1, Id pass. Hell, if I really wanted to show off, I could grade all the answers I was absolutely sure were a 2 or a 0 correctly, and really shine.
I thought this revelation of mine was pretty obvious, but I had neglected to pay attention to my surroundings. About 10% of the 200 odd people assembled for this task consisted of the middle-aged, who will as anyone who has ever attended a college class containing such folk can testify ask questions about every little fucking detail no matter how unimportant or off task it might be. These are what are commonly referred to as Crazy Non-Trads. Non-Trad standing for Non-Traditional (i.e. old) student.
Acerbating the virulent combination of Crazy Non-Trads and the chance for them to appear insightful in front of an audience was the fact that this project involves high school kids. Since all the Crazy Non-Trads have had children, they wanted to make sure these kids got every chance possible. Thus, I had to suffer through questions like, If the first part of the question is answered really, really well, but the second part isnt answered at all, can we still give them one point? The answer to this question is, of course, fuck no. But a large company has to be more delicate, so I had to listen to long winded answers that beat around the fuck no bush.
So there I was, taking a three day training course that would have only taken four hours if it wasnt for a group of 20 willing to ask a question every 5 minutes when the most unlikely of things happened. I made a friend.
This guy (whom Ill call Bad Tooth since one of his front teeth is nearly all black), was able to break down my anti-human brush off defenses by making his first statement to me, If I hear one more of these old motherfuckers ask about the fine line between a 1 answer and a 2 answer, Im going to bring my gun in here tomorrow and go fucking wild! After having released this outburst, Bad Tooth gave me a panicked look, a look that showed he knew he had said something that should not have been shared in gentile company. A comment he had hoped to only thing, but had instead blurted out. He was honestly relieved when I started laughing so hard I interrupted the entire training session.
With someone to make fun of all the Crazy Non-Trads with, training went much faster. The tests came and went, and despite Bad Tooth and I not really paying attention the whole time, both of us managed to score 100% (but believe it or not, only 162 of the 218 people that went through training passed). It all didnt seem so bad. That is, until we went to the actual job site to begin working.
Next week: Bad Tooth and Fagatrons wild scheme.