Title: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Publisher: Konami(2001)
Platform: PS2(It's all you need, friend)
File Under: Tactical Espionage Action
As Cool as: Flushing cherry bombs down the toilet.
Score: 9.8
The following burst transmission was recently intercepted:
Otacon: "Snake, what's your location?"
Snake: "I'm on the starboard side, behind the ammo shed."
Otacon: "Snake, I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but we need photographic evidence of Metal Gear Ray, and you've got less than 20 minutes until..."
Snake: "Yah, I know! I'm just kind of busy right now..."
Otacon: "What?"
Snake: "I'm, uh, taking a 'dump'."
Otacon: "What's wrong with your colostomy bag, isn't it working?"
Snake: "It's got a leak."
Otacon: "Well, just be sure to not leave anything behind that may tip off the enemy."
Snake: "Right, those bastards seem to be much smarter this time around."
Otacon: "Word has it that they will call for backup if they suspect intruders."
Snake: "I should be ok, I have a few new tricks up my sleeve this time. Plus, it seems to be going even smoother this time around with the improved graphics and game engine."
Otacon: "Even smoother than Shadow Moses?"
Snake: "Well, I know it seems impossible to improve on perfection, but I swear it's better this time around."
Otacon: "What about your weapons? Anything new?"
Snake: "Well, I have a few new gadgets, but mostly they are just easier to aim since I can now use the first-person mode to place my shots."
Mr. Pickles: "Snake, you're a badass!"
Otacon: "Wha..."
Snake: "Hey, who the hell are you?"
Mr. Pickles: "Just call me 'Pickles', I'm a huge fan of yours."
Snake: "What kind of faggot name is 'Pickles'?"
Mr. Pickles: "......"
Otacon: "Uh, Pickles, uh, what can we do for you?"
Mr. Pickles: "Well, I just finished playing MSG2, and there are some things I think you might want to know."
Snake: "You mean secrets?"
Mr. Pickles: "Well, yes, there are a few things about this mission that are so freakin' monumental for the video game world that I think everyone should know."
Otacon: "Ohhh, this sound good! Do tell!"
Snake: "Yah, tell us Pickles."
Mr. Pickles: Well, first off, you will be fram(unintelligible static) you didn't(unintelligible static).
Snake: "Argh!"
Mr. Pickles: Then,(unintelligible static) we'll start up with anoth(unintelligible static) later, and you won't be(unintelligible static).
Snake: "Argh!"
Mr. Pickles: Well, it gets worse! You will be forced to(unintelligible static)rookie tries to(unintelligible static). I couldn't believe it.
Snake: "Dammit!"
Mr. Pickles: "And remember that asshole from the last game?"
Snake: "Which one?"
Mr. Pickles: (unintelligible static)
Snake: "Oh, yah, he's a real(unintelligible static)!"
Mr. Pickles: "Well, he's (unintelligible static) and he has a (unintelligible static) and it gets pretty damn(unintelligible static)! But like I said before, you (unintelligible static), so your kind of at the mercy of(unintelligible static)."
Snake: "Argh!"
Mr. Pickles: "Just hang in there and remember to(unintelligible static).
After a three year wait comes perhaps the most anticipated video game ever. Those of you who played Metal Gear Solid on the PS would probably agree with me when I say that the main reason you bought a PS2 was so that you could experience "MSG2:Sons Of Liberty" the second it was made available. This is like butter for your toast, or sugar for your cereal.
As you might imagine, the PS2 sets the stage for a more improved game in almost all of the cosmetic categories. Graphics, speed, intelligence, etc., are all much improved. But while you expect the simple things to improve with a next generation game, you may not have expected the storyline to really take a bump up as well. Producer Hideo Kojima and his crew have done for video games what Seinfeld did for sitcoms. Simply put, he is a revolution man. The story line of MGS2 is really quite engrossing, and there are so many plot secrets and surprises in this game that you never really know what is fully going on until the end. Much of the story ties in with MSG1, so I would really recommend playing it first if you haven't already. To be honest, there were sequences and secrets in this game that were so damn cool that my mouth literally fell open in awe. This isn't just a game, it is truly a one-of-a-kind experience.
I have only one gripe with this game...ready? I didn't like the weapon they forced me to use in the final battle. Yah, I know, it's a stretch, but I had to try hard to find anything wrong with this game.
This review really doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg. I could talk about the basic plot, the weapons, the moves, and all that jazz, but I won't because I would probably develop carpal tunnel syndrome by the time I was finished writing about how cool this game is.
Mr. Pickles Says: If you own a PS2, you'd be a damn fool not to buy this game. And for God's sake, read the instruction manual before you play, this isn't PacMan.
Snake: Thanks for the heads-up. Now I know that(unintelligible static), and that I should keep an eye out for(unintelligible static).
Mr. Pickles: Godspeed Snake! Oh, Otacon, I really like how you(unintelligible static)in the game. That was pretty cool.
Otacon: "Thanks kid. Over and out!"