Artist: Moke
Album: Carnival
File Under: British blues/punk.
Grade: 9
As cool as pinball.
I really like this band. They seem to have that British rock sensibility about them without coming across like a bunch of British fucks. Every band from Britain seems to think they are so good, when they actually suck. Moke sidesteps the bullshit and, for the second album in a row, puts out a record well worth buying. The band that was once aptly described as "Blues Agianst The Machine" have put together an album full of good rock with a classic-rock vibe that permeates through every distorted chord. If your looking for an album with a different feel, give "Carnival" a shot.
-Mr. Pickles
...is waiting for the day when Oasis crashes their tour bus off the edge of a very high cliff. Then, maybe people will listen to the other bands that are actually better than Oasis(like Moke). Come to think of it, Oasis hasn't barfed up any new material for a while now. Maybe they haven't decide on who they want to rip-off next. Or maybe the singer lost his John Lennon glasses.....