I'm not sure which scares me more, the fact that this guy looks like Bizzaro Matthew Perry or the fact that his domain name is www.chandlerbing.com. I'm not linking it because he really frightens me and I'm afraid he may come after me if I anger him. Friends GOOOOOOOD! CrazyAss13 BAAAAAAAAAD!
I fixed up the archives a bit, I still got a lot of work to do with them but I added the missing months so go at it.
That's about all I got tonight, check out the links below for some more funny, if that's possible, and a big fat thanks to RedBrain for the plug.
Nina Brosh | This Reminds Me Of Underoos
Bush's America | Outbreed | bOg
Extreme Sports
Extreme Wrestling
I have problems with X-TREME JELL-O. First of all, I'm a firm believer that JELL-O is not X-TREME. Maybe if you made it with Wild Turkey or monkey pee, but regular JELL-O prepared in the traditional fashion is not extreme. My second problem with X-Treme JELL-O is the flavors - Green Apple, Watermelon, and Wild Berry. That sounds like regular old JELL-O flavors to me. Once again maybe if it was Wild Turkey or monkey piss flavored. Who thinks Watermelon is X-TREME? At very least give me a Mountain Dew or Surge flavor, then maybe I could feel the awesome power of X-TREME JELL-O, but for now, I'm not buying it, it's not X-TREME enough for me.
I just found out one of the channels we get with our new digital cable package plays Clarissa Explains It All! Oh boy, I hope I have a blank VCR tape!
I just can't seem to get enough Adam Riff.
Monkey Trouble
Thanks go out to Fagatron for sending me the funny. Heh, I promise I'll get some real content on here soon, until then have a look at Redbrain and 2400bps.
New Layouts Suck
Been working most of the night fixing some bugs on the new layout. A royal pain in the ass I tell you! Don't even get me started how screwed up this is still looking in Netscape. I said don't get me started! So all I got for you tonight is this image...
and an excellent photo gallery featuring the work of Terry Richardson.
Ohhhhh yeaaaaah one more thing, bOg is back you ass bags.
The Gift?
My girlfriend and me watched The Gift last night, don't remember The Gift? You might know it better as "that movie Katie Holmes shows her boobies in". While sitting through this subpar movie I could help but wonder how many horny teenagers went to this movie thinking "OMG I'm going to see Joey Potter's boobies! This is AWESOME!", and then ended up sitting through an hour and 30 minutes worth of "THIS IS BORING JUST SHOW ME THE BOOBIES" for 2 minutes of glory. Heh, stupid kids.
One Hour Photo
One hour photo is a great film, I saw it this weekend too. I was talking to a friend after I saw the film and he said something that made me chuckle. Apparently the people sitting next to him were pissed off because they thought it was going to be a comedy. Ba ha ha ha ha. These poor chump were hoping to see a movie in the Mrs. Doubtfire genre and instead saw one more like Psycho.
These are just a few of the reasons I need to get my own private theater. I'd still need those guys to make popcorn and inform me that for a mire 25 cents more I could make my medium diet cola a large, because I can never seem to remember that, but I think a private theater is the way to go.
THP | Lesbiantrainwreck | Dogbomb
Down and Out in Beverly Hills finished filming years ago. You can get out of character now I have no doubt in my mind that dirty terrorists were some how responsible for the demise of Nick Nolte. Now they've destroyed two things America loves, the twin towers and the man that gave us Another 48 Hours.
I'm sending out a mass email and asking all the readers of CrazyAss13 to join me Friday at 7:00 in a moment of silence in tribute to Nick Nolte's hair. If we don't do it, that means the terrorists have already won. God bless America. Some Junk! So this is the new look for the site. It's a work in progress of course, but you if see anything that is really screwed up be a bud and drop me an .
Dogbomb is up and running again so be a good little bastard an check that out.