>>>Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Title: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Publisher: Activision, Raven Software
Platform: PC, Console
File Under: FPS for Fanboys.
Score: 8.0
As cool as: Borg Chicks in Maxim.

I came into this game a bit skeptically, considering I had procured it for free after acquiring a new home networking kit.  Nonetheless, boredom prevailed, and I played it.  I was pleasantly surprised.  First of all, the graphics in the game were truly decent, and the characters actually looked and sounded like the characters from TV.  Secondly, the way the game handles your movement around the ship was a welcome change (i.e. If you need to go to the weapons room after a mission briefing, you actually have to walk through the ship's corridoors to get there.  You don't just click a button on a map and magically appear in the new room).  This means the ship is actually a more dynamically rendered environment to explore.  You are a little limited as to what exactly you can do and when, but it's fun nonetheless.  I don't know if they got all the room locations correct or not, so if you're a super fanboy who knows the deck and room locations of any important Voyager functions, you may be disappointed.

The fighting in the game is actually pretty standard for an FPS.  Point, click, shoot until it dies, try not to get hit too much.  The aliens are pretty cool and actually look like their TV counterparts as well.  The game is pretty linear in its missions, which could be a put off to some (MR. PICKLES), and you have a team to worry about most of the time, so you can't just do your own thing and hope everything will be ok.  If you take care of business, there are plenty of health fountains and energy ammo fountains around to keep you well stocked.  There are some cool weapons in this game, but I found most of my time was spent switching back and forth between just two or three of them.  Oh, and if you get into a jam with ammo, your phaser set on KILL is very effective against almost anything.  And it consistently recharges.  The last boss character is relatively difficult to figure out, mostly because you can't tell if you are hurting it or not.  Beleive me, anything you hit it with hurts.  Just stick to your most powerful weapons, he'll go down. 

says: If you're bored, give it a shot.  Just don't tell your girlfriend.

>>>Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force