>>>Soldier of Fortune

Title: Soldier of Fortune
Publisher: Activision, Raven Software
Platform: PC
File Under: Post-Terrorist Fun.
Score: 9.5
As cool as: Giving Saddam a shot in the pills.

If you are feeling any bit of aggression towards our Middle-Eastern planetary inhabitants after the events of Sept. 11, I suggest you go pick this game up today.  You get to kill/maim/destroy thousands of them with a plethora of gore-inducing violent weapons for hours.  And you can feel good about it, because all of them you kill are KNOWN TERRORISTS.  You're not even being anti-Politically-Correct if you play this game!  Hooray for America!  Hooray for Freedom of Speech!  Hooray for pixelated gore!  Seriously, this game has it all.  Stealth, Sniping, the ability to remove specific limbs from your target before, during, and after death, it's all here.  You can even put a bullet through somebody's eye and watch as their brains run down the wall behind them.  Not recommended for the kiddies.  The gameplay is fun and challenging.  The missions and levels are complex and envigorating.  The boss characters are difficult yet oddly believable.  You even get a shot at Saddam himself at one point!  How cool is that!  There is a *slight* level of realism to the game as well, seeing how you won't last long if you don't wear body armor (and keep replacing it whenever possible), and the AI isn't so ridiculous that you can shoot someone and have a nearby bystander not notice.  In fact, they come running.  And trust me, you want to keep your firefights relatively small.  The best thing, by far, is taking down an attack helicopter by sniping the pilot.  Classic!  Seriously, pick this up if you have terrorist angst in any way.  It'll cure what ails ya!       

says: Buy it.  Chicks dig scars, and glory lasts forever.

>>>Soldier of Fortune