>>>Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Plastic Fang |
Artist: Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Title: Plastic Fang
File Under: Rock N Roll
Grade: 6
Everybody say 'YEAH'! Everybody say 'Hell YEAH!' because it's the "BLOOZEXPLOSHUN!" After a four-year break the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion has returned with their ninth album, "Plastic Fang." "Plastic Fang" is a full-on, balls to the wall rock'n'roll album. Produced by X-Pensive Winos drummer and all-around cool cat Steve Jordan, this dozen tracker is JSBX's tightest, work to date. Jon still belts out his vocals in a Elvis-meets-James-Brown delivery, but this is more of a straight forward rock record then albums past.
Sound's great right? Well, actually it's just okay. If your a big JSBX fan like me you'll like it but if your not, I wouldn't suggest starting here, try "Orange." The problem with this album is I get the feeling that I've heard it before, or maybe the problem is Plastic Fang is a loose concept album casting Spencer as a werewolf, or maybe Jon has yelled "Blues Explosion!" and "Rock and roll!" a few times to many for me? I'm not sure, while I enjoy this album I don't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I thought JSBX last release "Xtra Acme USA" was his strongest since "Orange", so this album seems like another step backwards to me. That being said "Plastic Fang" is classic JSBX and makes me want to buy a hot rod and drive it really fast.
"I crave the taste of blood, Good Lord Almighty, Good Lord above, My soul is lost, I said I curse the day that I ever was born." ~ Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
CrazyAss13 says: I hate to say it but I think this is an album for the hardcore fans only.
>>>Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Plastic Fang |