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It's Not A Good Story.
12/15/01 CrazyAss13

I went to the gym today to workout. When I go to the gym I always wear my gym attire to the gym and leave my coat and other crap in my car. I do this because the locker room at my gym looks like, what I imagine, a gay, over 50, bathhouse would look like, and I just don't need to see that.

So I have a good workout and when I go to my car I found I've locked my keys in the car. This sucks. My girlfriend lives 3 blocks away but she's not home and neither are my parents who have my only set of spire keys, so I'm screwed.

I call a locksmith and sit on the hood of my car, like a dumb ass, and wait. I'm freezing my ass off because I'm only wearing shorts and a T-shirt and I sweat like a pig when I work out. The locksmith shows up and he looks like Ron Jeremy so at lest I have that, and it takes him all of two seconds to open my crappy car with his slim jim. He charges me $35 bucks, that's almost what it cost to have AAA for a year but I'm a dumb ass without AAA. All I have to say about the whole thing is if you actually read that whole story I wish I could give you back the last 3 minutes of your life.

Links, Fake News, & Plugs
It's like magic, watch Michael Jackson turn from a normal look African American into the freak we know and love today before your very eyes! My phone number spells Ed-ark-el, how about yours? Gay Metal, "A site done by straight people about gay music, played by straight people (if you don't understand, you don't deserve to)." I don't understand, does that make me gay? Texas Terri & The Stiff Ones are Punk As Fuck and I like um. I think this Insta Punk Kit site is ironic or something? Fagatron2093 sent me this, Guns For Kids the comments are funny. Not funny ha ha, but funny scary. The dude from is searching for the perfect set of tits, flabby man tits need not apply. This Site Got Me Laid >inset funny quip here<. This is a gay Slaughter fan page. I know that sounds like an oxymoron but it really is a gay Slaughter fan page. All Up Enya is kind of the dogbomb in the E/N world lately. Sexual Frustration, I owe this guy some hits and he' got a great site. GoFuckingLookAtIt!

This was kind of a gay post with a lot of gay references ... not that there's anything wrong with that. >>This site Got Me Gay<<
CrazyAss13 | | AIM

Same Old Crap With A New Look. 11/14/01 CrazyAss13

Well I got the new look up. It's not ready but I couldn't wait, I got sick of looking at the last one. Some of the crap probably doesn't work but it will, so just chill. It's a work in progress. If you have a second drop me a line and let me know what you think of the new look so far.

Should be a lot of mmmm mmmm good coming to this site soon. Another writer, I hope, and pro hosting. It's about time I gave up this nickel and dime crap. Later.
CrazyAss13 | | AIM

Drop That Zero And Get With A Hero
11/13/01 CrazyAss13

I had a good weekend and I'll probably write about it later in the week but today's post is all about Vanilla Ice. I saw this article on Fark today and it kinda put me in an Ice Ice Baby mood. If your too lazy to read the article I'll brush the highlights for you.

"At the peak of his popularity in the early '90s, Ice was linked to the pop icon Madonna, and old rumors of the existence of a videotape that features Madonna performing a sex act on Ice have recently resurfaced. LAUNCH asked Ice whether or not the tape exists. "Her and I in a sex act? It could, could possibly, absolutely, it could possibly exist," he said." If this tape ever did surface I'm sure it would be the end of Madonna. How could she ever look us in the face again? A sex tape with Ron Jeremy and a donkey would be less damaging.

Ice on Madonna's book Sex.
"I could just look at the book and go, 'God, this ain't her. She ain't that slutty. Why is she portraying this? I hope her kids never see this,' or something. It was a moment in time and I guess I was a part of it--I just didn't want to be a part of that slutty package"

Ice on Suge Knight strong-arming Ice into signing over the publishing rights to his hit "Ice, Ice Baby." "I look at it in a positive way because the money that went towards that--you know, the Death Row thing--also funded the 2Pac record, The Chronic record, you know, some of the best hip-hop records of history. A Snoop Dogg, you know, all of that came from the initial funding of Vanilla Ice." This could be the best thing that came out" Ice aren't you forgetting about "Play That Funky Music"? If that's not the best thing that came out of the whole Vanilla Ice craze then I'm not a good American. And I am a good American God Dam it!

More Vanilla Ice Links and Crap.

Ice stared in Cool as Ice in 1991 with Naomi Campbell, check out the trailer. He also appeared in Da Hip Hop Witch in 2000 a spoof on The Blair Witch Project.

Current girlfriend owns a Miami surf-shop. The shop is called "To The Extreme", named after Vanilla Ice's first album.

Arrested after pulling a gun on a man trying to sell him jewelry at 2:15 A.M. outside a supermarket in Studio City, California.

Dropped out of R.L. Turner High School in Carrollton, Texas.

A "roni," referred to in "Havin' a Roni," is a virgin, according to Ice himself.? However, the term is used often in hip hop, and is short for "tenderoni," which is defined as a "sweet girl."

The Vanilla Ice Web Ring. This website is dedicated to Vanilla Ice's Ninja Rap. Vanilla Ice at His Prime.

>>If there was a problem, Yo I'll solve it! Check out the hook while Deshay revolves it.<<
CrazyAss13 | | AIM

That Brad Pitt Sure Is Wacky!
11/9/01 CrazyAss13

"Have you ever noticed that most of the people who are against abortion are people that you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?" - George Carlin

I worked on the new design for a while tonight. It didn't go well, could be awhile before the redesign is up so you're all just going to have to suck it for now.

Some bastard emailed me asking me why I didn't post anything about Michigan's loss this week. I was going to post it for you all to read but I "accidentally" erased it. It was pretty amusing he called me a Michigan butt boy or something like that and insulted my man hood. He was probably a Nebraska fan and a champion pig fucker. Anyway I missed the game, which I'm glad I did now. I'll let ESPN college football analyst Rod Gilmore do the talking for me "The story of this game is that last second, because there's no way Michigan State should have been allowed to get off the game-winning play, for fuck sakes!" Okay I added that last part but the whole thing sounds pretty fucked to me.

I've got a pretty kick ass week ahead. I'm going to see The Carsinogents on Saturday. I've never seen them live before but they sound like a mix of The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and The Reverend Horton Heat on their CD and it should be cool. I'm also going to see Rival Schools this week and I've really been enjoying their disk. There's also this shit wrestling league that's coming to town and I think I could have a good chance of seeing some dumb fuck 18 year old kid that thinks he's Jimmy "Super Fly" Snuka crack his fucking head open right in front of me. That's entertainment.

Links, Plugs, and Fake News: This cat has two heads and so does this cow! Kick ass, pickled dogs for sale! People who buy Halloween costumes for their cats should have their anus raped. This crazy rabbit has a pancake on its head! What a silly rabbit! These butt ugly monkeys scare the hell out of me! I've been enjoying this Aussie's site full of hot chicks. During the cold war the CIA tried to train cats as spies. That's just fucking stupid. Mega hotsa hotsa! >>IF YOU LIKE TO TOUCH YOUR OWN SHIT VOTE FOR ME HERE!<<
CrazyAss13 | | AIM

A Brand New Thing!
11/6/01 CrazyAss13

Well, I'm working on a new design for the site. I really hate this one. The new design going to be cool and it's should be up sometime next week.

Radiohead has a new cd coming out. "The 8-song collection, entitled "I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings", will be in stores November 13th and features material culled from performances last summer in Oslo, Berlin, Vaison Le Romaine (Southern France) and the band's historic July 7 homecoming show in Oxford's South Park." You can download some of the tracks by clicking the fellow on the left. I'm sure I'll end up with this disk. I'm not a big fan of live CD's but it's Radiohead so I'll have to check it out. Kid Ad is the album of the decade so far.

Some fake news and links. This kid is a prize-winning cunt. This Bad Fads Museum could be really cool but it's just so so. It's a great idea but it's just not that funny. Anyway check out Panty Raid, Streaking, and the greatest crime against humanity, Zubaz. Fast Times at Ridgemont High is one of my favorite movies and Retrocrush has a great Phoebe Cates gallery. I love Wacky Packages, this is a great website. If you a 80's kid though you can probably relate to this Garbage Pail Kids archive more. Art Chantry is a design god. No photoshop work here just raw power. Check him out. >>IF YOU LIKE TO SUCK IT VOTE FOR ME HERE!<<
CrazyAss13 | | AIM
