Toby Keith is Retarded

" . . . the bubba's all believe he's a soulful cat, he plays it like he means it but he's smarter than that, hey life's just a race to get wealthy and fat . . ." Robbie Fulks

I'm pretty sure when Robbie wrote that verse he was singing about TobyKeith. Quite possibly the most ignorant, prejudice, unsophisticated retard that has ever graced country music. Johnny and Hank are rolling over in their graves right now. I find it hard to believe someone can gross over 45 million dollars in sales from songs that me and the neighbor lush could write in a drunken Sunday afternoon. What the fuck am I doing wrong, do I need to drink more PBR and chase skank skirts? But it&Mac182;s not just the awful lyrics and pickup commercials, the music it rotten too. What ever happened to musicians taking some pride in what they do? Like calling up some of your friends (oh that's right, all the other country stars hate you and you have no friends) and having them help you surpass 3 chords. The only reason Willie went on the stage with you is because he is stoned 24/7.

I hope someone forwards this story to that presidential ass kisser. (Yeah, that's right, he's the chosen opener for when 'W' lands his lazy ass on aircraft carriers) What scares me the most is that Toby says he sings songs that real (redneck) Americans can relate with. I know Toby, it is unfortunate most Americans are as stupid as you. Further proof of our dumber society is a recent sales report that concluded that bottled water is the number 2 selling beverage in the United States, with soda pop being number 1. Fucking bottled water . . you know, the stuff you can pour out of your kitchen sink for FREE!

Let&Mac182;s face it, Middleasterners hate us, for more reasons than we can even count. But how are we supposed to convince these people that we are ok when we have someone like Toby Keith singing songs riddled with prejudice and good ol&Mac182; American ignorance.

I think if Howard Dean beats Bush in the election, that first day he is in office he should exile Keith, far, far away. As you can tell, I hate this fucker. He&Mac182;s like the big bully redneck racist version of Justin Timberlake. God help country music, it's become lower than the days of Ronnie Milsap.