
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album: By The Way
Label: The last album under their Warner Bros. contract
Web: www.redhotchilipeppers.com
File Under: One of few bands that can do no wrong. (Excluding Uplift Mofo Party Plan)
Grade: 10.3.2
As cool as: Rockin' out with your sock out.
Welcome to the lighter side of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Though this may cause some to take a step back, weary of the coolness it may put forth, fear not, the RHCP glory is still delivered. Perhaps a little recording process information is required to fully understand the turn the Peppers have taken. To write for this album John Frusciante(Guitar - heard on Mother's Milk, Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Californication) studied a lot of The Beatles and Charles Mingus'(a Jazz great)work, making this album bit more technically interesting while still bringin the funk. Throughout the recording process Rick Rubin(Producer)and John listened to a lot of music from the 60's, The Beach Boys...etc. This shines through in tracks like "Midnight" and "Tear". Other songs range from the Daft Punk style ending on "Throw Away Your Television" to the latin goodness of "Cabron" which alone can make you love the album regardless of your taste. By now, you've probably heard the new single "By The Way" which is one of only a few tracks that throw back to the old Funk-Punk-Rap style that made the Peppers so well-known. Though they have changed, consider it maturation for the better. If you give this album a listen, you won't be disappointed, with harmonies galore and enough funk to satisfy it's pure ear candy.
MN2 says: Buy it! Fuck off! And buy Blood Sugar Sex Magik 2 times.