Title: Devils Advocate: The Art of Coop
File Under: The coolest book you own.
Score: 9.5
As cool as: Coop himself.
Either youre a fan of Coops artwork, or you have no clue who the fuck he is and probably deserve a beating for your ignorance. Regardless of which side of the hipster fence you fall, this book is a must for your coffee table, shelf next to your toilet, masturbatory fantasies, or what have you. Devils Advocate is a massive compiling of Coops art, collecting all of his trademark naked demon ladies, hot rods, and space chicks that have ever appeared on rock albums, posters, advertisings, or window decals. The amount of material in the book is truly overwhelming, and most pieces are accompanied by some thoughts from the artist himself. I balked at the $40 price tag on this baby when I first saw it on Bud Plants website (www.budplant.com - a great place to get cool books and other nifty items), but after getting my hands on, it seems like a bargain.
Fagatron 2093 says: Rather than buy this, you could always steal it from a friend.